
Rachel Hauck prayer 8 Comments

Often we feel we can’t pray specifics when it comes to our life, our church or our nation. We say, “well, we can’t know God, really.” We say, “God is not a Democrat or Republican.” We say, “we can’t know God’s plan.” God is beyond our understand and comprehension, but it’s so very clear in His Word, “I have not …

What I’ve been up 2

Rachel Hauck books, editors, friends, music, my husband, prayer, Susan May Warren, synopsis, worship, writing 3 Comments

So, you’re wondering, “Rach, do you blog any more or are we just supposed to imagine what your life is all about?” No indeedy, you’re not. Please don’t. I’m blogging, see, I’m blogging. I’ve been busy, too. Working on a new synopsis for next book, working title Dining with Joy. How do you like it? I’m reviving my celebrity “chef” …

My barking dogs

Rachel Hauck barking, bowls, cats, dogs, friends, pets, prayer 1 Comment

And I don’t mean my feet. Hahaha, get it. “My dogs are barking…” Well, okay, never mind. My dog, dogs, you know them Pal and Lola, bark. Yep. Not all the time, but Pal lays by the front window looking out, then goes berserk when something goes by: another dog, a person on a bike way, way down the road, …

Behind the Scenes 2: Sweet Caroline

Rachel Hauck books, friends, prayer, writing 2 Comments

I didn’t get a good, good start on Sweet Caroline until December. Between October and November, I had a lot of starts and throw-aways. Here’s one: My grandfather Rainier and I had a tradition. The day after Thanksgiving he’d come by our house around four in the afternoon and take me to the Frogmore Cafe for a hot bowl of …

Feel like reminiscing

Rachel Hauck match maker, prayer, Super Bowl, The Call, worship 5 Comments

Yesterday was a beautiful day. Tony and I drove over to Kissimmee, FL for The Call. I needed a day of prayer and outstanding worship.  Mike Bickle and Lou Engel cast such great vision and hope in God coupled with wisdom and knowledge of the days in which we live. The indoor stadium was cold, so I walked out to …

Prayer Retreat

Rachel Hauck heritage, history, prayer 3 Comments

Tonight we’re going up to Teen Missions for the prayer retreat, a youth event Tony and I launched in ’92. While we’re not leading it this year, the new generation of youth leaders Matt, Jodi and Josh from Freedom are in charge, we’re going along to recount the history and raise expectations. These kids have a great foundation of youth …

Renaissance of Prayer

Rachel Hauck Fasting, kingdom of heaven, prayer 1 Comment

I’m in a renaissance of prayer. Coming home to the truth of it’s power, necessity and purpose. I’ve gotten over the idea of perfect prayer, or tired prayer. I’ve shoved aside the notion prayer is an ethereal experience that transcends heart, mind, will, emotions. Prayer is work. It’s warfare. Matthew 11:12 says this: “And from the days of John the …

A Day of Silence

Rachel Hauck contemplation, prayer, Silence 5 Comments

A while ago, I decided to take a day of silence. Not speak. Shut the pie hole. Be still. Be quiet. Tony agreed to that Friday. Sort of a solem day before Fire Dweller. So, I went to McDonalds that morning and slipped the cashier a note. “Diet Coke.” She nodded, then started signing the alphabet. What? I shook my …