Buying An iPhone Case. What Everyone Needs to Know

Rachel Hauck Geek Stuff Leave a Comment

photoI’m an iPhone cover connoisseur. I’ve probably spent $250 on iPhone covers in the nearly four years I’ve owned an iPhone.

Maybe that’s nothing for some of you — I know it can be like dressing a doll. Or tricking out your car.

Change abounds.

But, I’d rather land on a cover that works and not waste money trying to protect my $300 phone.

Did I just write that I have a $300 phone. A phone? Actually, it’s a $300 hand computer. Shew… now that sounds more reasonable.

Anyway, I was browsing in Best Buy yesterday and spotted the phone cover rack and oooo, my hand itched to reach for one and buy it. Bwahhahahaha….

Covers are like shoes! Can you have too many?


But I’ve learned a few things about phone covers — which is why I kinda want a new one — but no, I’ll resist. I’m just being restless. A perfectionist.

In order to save you the trial and pain of selecting an iPhone or any smart phone cover, I offer my profound wisdom and experience.

1. Go durable. Flimsy, rubbery covers that slip on and off easily will do just that — slip off easily. And if you drop your phone — and you will eventually — it’s not going to protect it one iota.

More than likely you’ll get tired of a cheap flimsy cover. I had a black and pink “tire rubber” cover and neither one seemed to do the job.

Make that $325 I’ve spent on iPhone covers.

photo-22. Cover and protect your phone. Don’t go for multi purpose. I did that once too. Bought the wallet phone jacket. Ug.

Now I’m squeezing my driver’s license, debit/credit card in with my phone and when I go to answer a call, my “wallet” is in my hair.

The cover also makes it hard to talk and hear.

And because you can only fit so much into the wallet phone cover, you end up carrying your wallet anyway. Don’t go for it. Resist.

photo-13. The hip holster cover. No, not hip as in cool but hip as in connects to your belt or waist band. Or to the side of your hand bag. It looks cool but it’s not practical. By the time you take the phone out, you’ve missed the call. Or, you make the call but run the risk of the phone slipping from you hands.

It’s an awkward draw from your holster to get the phone out. You still need an additional protective cover which may or may not fit into the holster. Avoid.

photo-34. Otter Box. I’m a fan. But the big, bulky, double-the-size of your phone Otter Box totally geeks up the cool, sleek look of the iPhone or any smart phone. It’s like wearing a hat on top of your new hair do/cut.

But Otter Box does provide great protection for your phone so go with the thinner Otter Box model.

But here’s what you must know… please never forget. Because I did and now regret it. DO NOT GET WHITE!!

White gets dirty. Oil from your face, your hands sticks to the white rubber and collects other dirt from your pocket or hand bag. Within months, you’ve a dirty white Otter Box cover you dropped anywhere from $40 to $80 on and now it looks like something from the second hand store.

So let me repeat: DO NOT BUY WHITE.

Or you’ll be laundering your Otter Box cover. (Note: remove phone from case first.)

5. Look for durable covers that are dark. There are some lovely Otter Box black thin covers with colorful plastic accents. Blue. Purple. Red. To name a few.

6. Customize boxes are very cool too. But make sure it’s designed for your phone type. iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s WHITE phone use different covers.

Make sure the customized cover is durable. If you drop your phone, it needs to be protected.

7. Take a look at the washable stick on front cover. You know the film stuff you buy to protect the iPhone screen? Yeah, that. There are removable, washable covers that can be replaced once clean.

I have one of those and love it.

There you have my collected opinion and experience with iPhone covers. These are mine and mine alone.

So, what wisdom do you have about choosing an iPhone cover?

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