Why I Write Romance

Rachel Hauck Uncategorized 2 Comments

528633_274420509319392_100002543349370_604212_1716082502_nI’m a romance writer. Love stories capture me. A good rom-com movie? I’m there. But the romance must be central. Ro-mance. Meaning heart, mind, soul. A connection of one man and one woman.

Romance novelist get a bad rap. Why? Because mainstream romance is more sexmance than ro-mance.

But there is nothing like a romance to demonstrate God’s love for us. All of history is about a wedding! It’s about a romance – between God and man.

Did you know there will be a wedding at the end of the age? Jesus, the Son of God, returning for His Bride! God loves romance. But pure, honest, true romance.

Sadly, it seems today that we’ve turned love and romance into one sexcapade after another. I’m not sure what 50 Shades of Grey, so wildly popular, says about our view of true love, romance and sex.

I write romance because the core of the human heart is to be loved. My desire is to show how true love works and instill hope. 1 Corinthians 13 is doable. Possible. Profitable. Benefitting.

Everyone wants to be loved. Needs to be love. There is nothing more sacred than the relationship between a man and woman in matrimony.

I love this Proverb 30:19 verse:

The way of an eagle in the sky,
The way of a serpent on a rock,
The way of a ship in the middle of the sea,
And the way of a man with a maid.

There is a mystery to love and romance between a man and woman. Something divine and mystical that God created. Two men, two women, cannot experience what one man and one woman experience. It’s just the way God designed it. Isn’t it beautiful?

When we see love and romance demonstrated in human hearts the way God designed, it makes us yearn for Him.

And that is why I write romance.

Comments 2

  1. I love the way a romance can point us to God. I’ve also had romances that spoke to me and challenged me in the way I love my husband. One I literally read two weeks ago at one became a pivot point. I didn’t know it when I read it, but God did. and boy did He use that book to speak to me. Reminds me I need to let the author know!

    1. Post

      Cara, exactly! One, romances remind us to love with abandon, but two that we ARE loved. I know I’ve been inspired to love my husband more after reading an inspired romance. 🙂


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